Thursday, May 23, 2013


Tomorrow Mary 22nd will be my 27th birthday. I know sometimes the older we get it seem like "oh it's just another day" but for me its such a blessing and so much more than just another day.

Some know my story and some don't but when I was born I was born with severe hydrocephalus and chiari malformation 2 and according to the doctors I was no suppose to live and if by some slim chance I did they said I would be a vegetable and never walk, talk or have any real quality of life, but I'm excited to say that they were wrong and the God I serve had much bigger plans than any they tried to sell us.

I have had some challenges a long the way but I can do most things that anyone else can do. I have two beautiful little girls and the love of my life and I have been married for 7 years. So I'm sure maybe now  you can see why its so much more than just another day. It's a blessing and privilege to still be here to celebrate with my family. It's not about presents or getting birthday cash or any to of that (although it is a nice appreciated bonus blessing) but even without those things its just amazing to have beaten the odds that were stacked against me from day one. Thank you God for you saw something much greater in me than just a baby with imperfections that shouldn't have lived. You are good!

Also at the end of the month one of the beautiful blessings God granted me will be celebrating her 5th birthday. I can't believe it. It seems like only yesterday she was born and now she is growing up to be smart, beautiful, talented fun loving girl that I am so blessed to call my daughter. Her as well as her sister brings so much joy and happiness into my life. One of the only things I ever wanted to be in life was a Mother (the other being a wife) and god granted me both of those and I am so thankful for that. I can't believe after summer break my "baby" will enter into kindergarten and will be out in the crazy big world just like her sister did just last year.

I'm telling you time sure flies and it seems like in the blink of an eye they are growing up and changing and learning new things and different adventures and it just amazes me.

God is so good to me and just  be here another year with my family and friends and knowing that God had and has plans for my life is such a wonderful feeling.

Aside from God no one in this world loves you more than your Mother does or will do for you the way they do. That's not to say no one else loves or cares bout you because you because I'm sure lots of people do but its a totally different bond and love than with any other.

I know this because I have a Mother and I am one. Not to mention Jesus paid the ultimate price in love for me and for you.

Thank you God for your love, your grace, your mercy, your forgiveness and so much more.

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